Supported by The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Supported by The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich

Main name
Печоры. Полуверка
Author name
Type of Peasant Girl. Pskov
oil on wood
39×30 cm
25844 КП
5533 II
Location of the works
The State Museum of Oriental Art

N.K. Roerich, making a trip “to ancient places”, admired the nationalities who retained their identity. In Pechory, he described the Poluvertsi (Half-Believers) – the remnants of the colonization of the ancient Pskov land. By some miracle, in a number of settlements, they preserved their costumes, customs, even their own language, very close to the Livonian dialect. On holidays, women decorated their chest with a set of ancient rubles, crosses and a huge convex silver plaque – fibula.

“The Russian costume breaks up into an infinite number of species. Casual neighbors, local conditions, time – all this determined the features of costumes.

Even now, 250 versts from Petersburg, near Pskov, there lives a special nationality “Poluversty (Half-Believers)”, who preserved not only a special costume, but also a very special language.

A simple Russian peasant woman has no idea what multicolored layers she wears in her costume. And what a symbol of human evolution is recorded in her homespun patterns.”

(N.K. Roerich. The Apparel of the Spirit // Ways of Blessing.)