Supported by The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Supported by The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich

Author name
Альбомный лист
tempera on paper
25.2 × 36.3 cm
Location of the works
Nicholas Roerich Museum. New York

Helena Roerich col.; Katherine Campbell col., USA (1948); Nicholas Roerich Museum (1996)

"When you travel through the mountains of Tibet with their unbearable cold and hurricanes, when you meet these wild Tibetans with their worn fur coats, eating raw meat, you will be deeply amazed, when, under a fur hat, you see the face of a Spaniard, a Hungarian or a southern Frenchman. As recognized, facial features are, of course, distorted, but they cannot be related to the Mongolian or Chinese type. You can classify them only as Europeans. You can also imagine the most courageous and excellent people, whose poor bastards they are. Look at the ruthless glaciers of the Trans-Himalayas, barren soils, sterile cliffs, where our animals are rare, where even eagles are rarely seen, and you can imagine how these people had to move and how, from the high mountains, they had reached and conquered the future deserts. But their souls were not satisfied. They aspired to the mountains."

N. Roerich. Dungeon Dwellers.